Earning online YouTube changed method 10 thousand people view video later earning start people require a bit of work. The erning begin at that time when uploaded video will see at least 10 thousand people.
The world’s largest video site YouTube has changed the way of earn money through the videos, people require a bit of work.
Now those who wish to earn money on YouTube, earning begin at that time when uploaded video will see at least 10 thousand people.
YouTube changed way of earning on videos; How can make money now?
Before it was not imprisoned to see the videos on YouTube.
But only a certain share of the money given to video up loader from ads earning on the video.
Before video up loader can get specific share on every 100 dollars.
But YouTube has making difficult condition of viewing video less than 10 thousand people.
Now 10 thousand people view any video, later earning will be start.
And begin serving ads against their content together these new thresholds will help ensure revenue only flows to creators who are playing by the rules.
Creators won’t be able to turn on monetization until they hit 10,000 lifetime views on their channel.
Along with protecting the creators on its service whose videos re-uploaded by scam artists.
Earning online YouTube changed method 10 thousand people view video later earning start people require a bit of work.
These new rules may help YouTube keep offensive videos away from the brands that spend money marketing on their platform.
YouTube is sensibly taking steps to police how business is done on its service.
Time will tell how a rising generation of creators respond to these new limitations.
This new threshold gives us enough information to determine the validity of a channel,” wrote Bardin.
“It also allows us to confirm if a channel is following our community guidelines and advertiser policies.